The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Sunday, November 06, 2005


The word Democrat used to stand for something. Now don't get me wrong as a life long conservative and Republican much of what they have stood for has gone against my grain but at least they used to stand FOR something. Today is a different matter. This latest scam performed by the Democrats, the envolking of rule 21 which shut down the Senate last week is just another in a long line of stunts that the left thinks endears them to the American people. Following this Democrat debacle the news shows swarmed to Jimmy Carter to listen to his thoughts on the matter and of course this failed President touted that it was the greatest thing since FDR and the liberal , "news, " show hosts agreed. Now in this liberal discourse no one bothered to mention that Senator Roberts the Chairman of the committee that is investigating the pre-war Iraq intelligence had ALREADY informed minority leader Harry Reid that the report that his stunt demanded was to be released this week and that their findings were similar to those of the previous FOUR investigations - that the intelligence was NOT fabricated and the President did NOT lie us into war. Which once again reveals the true agenda of the Democrats: to obstruct whenever possible, to deceive the public whenever the cameras focus on them and to, by whatever means available, destroy the Bush Presidency. This party that continually claims to be the protectors of the American people, ( a claim that I am sick of hearing because of its blatant falsehood), yet is at the expense of the American people looking out for one thing and one thing only. The resorting of the power in Washington that they have through the legitimate and free election process lost. A power that they believe is their birth right and they continually claim was stolen from them through deceptive election practices, practices that have been investigated and proven to not exist, but evidence NEVER matters to a Democrat! John Kerry has been sounding the lie that Ohio was stolen from him and the 2004 election was actually his and even some of his fellow Democrats have told him to shut up! This is the state of today's Democratic Party. The Constitution, the will of the people, the security of the nation does not matter to the liberal. Their only goal is to take back what they believe is theirs for eternity - control of the government and through that the control of the people. They have an arrogant belief that they and they only know what is best for the country and the people and that we are idiots for voting against them. Never understanding that it is their liberalism and socialist philosophy that we have rejected. That is why they have fought so hard to retain their last bastion of power, the judiciary. Since they cannot win at the polls they have used the courts to legislate from the bench and the confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito virtually brings an end to this liberal practice which completely bypasses the Constitution! In responding to this weeks rule 21 stunt by Harry Reid, Senator Bill Frist the majority leader gave an excellent description of today's Democratic Party, " They have no conviction. They have no principles. They have no ideas !" That in a nut shell sums up the Democrats, to which I will add a similar thought that describes their no idea agenda. Through the politics of destruction the left promotes an agenda that uses their willing accomplishes in the media to deceive the American people into believing that Republicans are corrupt and that the President should be impeached. The war is illegal and our troops, who they SAY they support, are dying in vain. This is a falsehood that fringes on treason and IS an open act of sedition for it truly offers aid and comfort to the enemy and is demoralizing to the brave men and women who daily fight to keep this nation free. Whether you agree or disagree with the Bush administration and the Republican majority the accusations of corruption have been fabricated from DeLay to Bush! I know that you on the left will tout the Libby indictment as proof the we were lied into war but let me remind you that first, it is ONLY and indictment and NOT a conviction. Second, the charges are NOT about the war or Valerie Plame but about contradictions in his testimony as to WHEN he first learned of who Plame was. This story too is just another in a long line of Democratic deception that seeks to regain power at any expense.

What does this all mean. Thanks to the fact that the , "mainstream," media is not the only source that we the people have to garner our news as was the case 25 years ago this attempt by the left to deceive themselves back into power is destined to fail as it has since 1994. This same practice that brought the forged documents into the 2004 election did not work then and will not work in 2006 nor 2008. We the people are much more savvy to the politics of liberal destruction and we are intelligent enough to realize who has ideas and plans that will better this nation and who does not. Elections are won by ideas and realities not lies and deception. As long as Democrats continue the lie and deception practice and not put forth ideas that the American people will embrace then they will continue to lose at the ballot box and remain where they the minority!

Ken Taylor


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11:32 PM, November 21, 2005  

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