The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Friday, January 13, 2006


In his 2002 State Of The Union address, President Bush referred to three countries as part of an, "axis of evil." They were Iraq, Iran and North Korea. Iraq is now well upon its way to becoming the first Arab democracy in the Middle East and as such is no longer part of the , "axis." North Korea continues to spew the usual rhetoric in a vain attempt to bribe the world with threats in order for its insane leader to feed his people so that he can spend all of the nations resources on military development. Iran is the remaining member who has been a thorn in the flesh of the world especially the United States since the emergence of the Ayatollah's in 1979. Over the past several months Iran has continually mocked the world with their false attempts in convincing the world that the quest for a viable nuclear program is only for energy purposes. Why would one of the worlds largest oil producing countries need nuclear energy ? Of course they do not need nuclear , "energy, " and of course the only reason for a nuclear program if for the construction of nuclear weapons. Recently the President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, (who has a remarkable resemblance to one of the lead terrorists who took US Embassy hostages in 1979), stated that Israel should be wiped off the map and that the Holocaust was a figment of Zionist propaganda. There have been reports of Iran shopping the world market for delivery systems for nuclear weapons with the capability of reaching Israel, Europe and possibly the coastal waters of the United States. When has nuclear energy needed a delivery system ? Earlier this week Iran removed UN seals from their nuclear development facilities and thumbed their Islamic noses at the world and have not denied that the re-emergence of their nuclear program was for weapons development. Many speculate that Iran is very close to a working nuclear device and of course the Iranian government will not hesitate to use it. Additionally being a state that sponsors terrorism entails the added problem of nuclear components or fully functional weapons placed in the hands of terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda. The European Union and Great Britain are calling for the United Nations Security Council to meet to consider sanctions against Iran. From past experience UN sanctions have absolutely NO meaning and are worth no more than the paper they are issued upon. Iran will yield to sanctions in the same resistant way and possibly more so than Saddam Hussein. President Bush stated this week that Iran has made a terrible miscalculation and when asked the President did NOT say that military intervention was off the table. Certainly if the United States does not move militarily against Iran's nuclear capability then Israel will as they did against Iraq in the 80's. Iran is a problem that is quickly reaching a boiling point and their continual defiance over their nuclear program cannot stand and must be dealt with. Each time the world has spoken out against the program Iran has acted humbled while continuing to develop the program and each time world opinion lessoned Iran has emerged more defiant with a better developed program, proving their , "humility," false and their resolve and capability to be a nuclear power further along. Let us hope that this problem will be resolved BEFORE Iran launches the first missile. If military intervention is the answer then so be it, for this radical Islamic government has proven time and again that they cannot be trusted and will use whatever means at their disposal to eliminate Israel, kill the , "infidels, " of the world and that includes, "the great Satan, " who in their fanatical eyes IS the United States.

Ken Taylor


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